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New Connections and Old Tools

By: Linwood Watson, MD (picture by Linwood Watson, MD) As so many of us race to a new smartphone or app update, one lesson the NC Native...

A Brief Ramble on Blackberry Brambles

Image credit: Few things speak to a rural Eastern North Carolina summer than a spoonful of Cool Whip whip cream on top...

Fun in the Winter: Reclaim Your Perception With Honey

Disclaimer: The term/activity of “honey tasting” unfortunately sounds snobby, stuck up, even hoity-toity. To benefit and be amazed by...

The Consequences of Knowledge

On a crisp and sunny October day, the Mulberry man and his wife ended a two-year quest to find a fabled century old mulberry tree. The...

A “Gateway” Fruit You Need to Try…And Then Share

In medicine and public health, we often talk about “gateway drugs”, which are often legal, or misused legal substances that young people...

Connecting the Parts With An Elder

(Author Note: The following is an accurate paraphrasing of an interview with a Haliwa-Saponi elder. It is shared with permission. It is...

A Native American Fruit You Need to Try!

Contributed by: Linwood Watson, MD, Haliwa-Saponi (and small time orchardist) Most people figure that once late fall sets up, tree fruits...

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